Sin City Corso’s Massima

Sin City Coro’s Massima was born on September 20th, 2017 in sunny LAS VEGAS, NEVADA. Product of Brandon Allen and Nataly Allen with Sin City Corso Kennel. Daughter to Blueprint’s Romeo – BLUE – ICCF#: 1702111 AKC#: WS51029813 and Obsidian’s Porcia – DK BLUE- ICCF#: 1501126 AKC#: WS58490102
Sin City Corso’s Massima is dual registered with AKC and ICCF. Masima’s color is light blue. Massima is a beautiful blue specimen. Massima is the product of Sin City Corso’s own Porcia from her first litter. Massima was the first born female and pick of the litter. She is very loving, smart, and just a joy with the kids.